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- Submitted: Oct 28 2013 12:55 AM
- Last Updated: May 11 2014 11:06 PM
- File Size: 6.04MB
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Download [ASM/C++] Stoned Bootkit Framework 1.0c (2010)
3 Votes
Stoned Bootkit Framework 1.0c
1. Introduction
2. Contents
3. Changelog
4. Contact
Peter Kleissner
1. Introduction
This framework is intended for developers. This is the public version of the package.
Please visit for more information and the latest releases.
If you have any questions please write a mail to For all mails please use the subject "Stoned Bootkit Framework".
Feel free to talk and blog about Stoned, any information is improving the world and bringing it further.
All new releases are first published on the Stoned Mailing List, you can freely sign up at https://listen.jpber...listinfo/stoned.
Your PC is now Stoned! ..again
2. Contents
Following files are included in the package:
\Papers\Automatic Sinowal Extraction.pdf
\Papers\Technical Write-Up.txt
\Papers\TrueCrypt Encryption and RawFS.txt
\Sinowal Bootkit\* included from http://web17.webbpro...ysis-of-sinowal
\Boot Code\* parts of Stoned Bootkit 1
\TrueCrypt Attack\Master Boot Record.bin
\TrueCrypt Attack\Re AW AW Stoned Bootkit attacking TrueCrypt's full volume encryption.msg
\TrueCrypt Attack\TrueCrypt Attack.asm
\TrueCrypt Attack\TrueCrypt Foundation.lnk
\Original Stoned Virus\Stoned.asm
\Original Stoned Virus\Stoned Binary Listing.lst
\Live CD\Live CD.txt
\Live CD\Stoned LAE.iso.lnk
\Live CD\Create with 7 AIK.cmd
\Live CD\Create with Vista AIK.cmd
Please verify any executable for genuineness before executing. If you download the package other than from it is not genuine. If so, please inform If you think some files
are missing or you wish some contents to be added, please write to
3. Changelog
25.07.2009 00:40 Version 1.0 Initial release
14.08.2009 01:37 Version 1.0a Added Hacking at Random Paper and Presentation
Added document "TrueCrypt Encryption and RawFS"
Removed selling notice - so many people, so many complaints, I lost my (previous) job because of that notice!
Added the MBR of TrueCrypt so you can watch it with an hex editor
Added Original Stoned Virus directory with code and listing of the original stoned virus
Document "Automatic Sinowal Extraction" now available in public package (don't use the TOC lol)
Removed the Submissions directory
Added Live CD directory containing the new Live CD and information about it
Added Changelog.txt in Executables directory
13.10.2009 08:16 Version 1.0b Added makefiles for creating the Live CD (with the Vista and 7 AIK)
Added description how to create a bootable USB Flash Drive infector
Added Remote Surveillance Tool documentation and testing kit
Added Exe-Loader open source
14.03.2010 11:19 1.0c New release with updated files. Removed executables, updated Live CD.txt and added modification files
Current Version: Stoned Bootkit 2 Alpha 4
4. Contact
King Kleissner :-)
Insecurity Systems InSec e.U.
Michael Eisendle
Stoned Mailing List
© 2010 Peter Kleissner
All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
2. Contents
3. Changelog
4. Contact
Peter Kleissner
1. Introduction
This framework is intended for developers. This is the public version of the package.
Please visit for more information and the latest releases.
If you have any questions please write a mail to For all mails please use the subject "Stoned Bootkit Framework".
Feel free to talk and blog about Stoned, any information is improving the world and bringing it further.
All new releases are first published on the Stoned Mailing List, you can freely sign up at https://listen.jpber...listinfo/stoned.
Your PC is now Stoned! ..again
2. Contents
Following files are included in the package:
\Papers\Automatic Sinowal Extraction.pdf
\Papers\Technical Write-Up.txt
\Papers\TrueCrypt Encryption and RawFS.txt
\Sinowal Bootkit\* included from http://web17.webbpro...ysis-of-sinowal
\Boot Code\* parts of Stoned Bootkit 1
\TrueCrypt Attack\Master Boot Record.bin
\TrueCrypt Attack\Re AW AW Stoned Bootkit attacking TrueCrypt's full volume encryption.msg
\TrueCrypt Attack\TrueCrypt Attack.asm
\TrueCrypt Attack\TrueCrypt Foundation.lnk
\Original Stoned Virus\Stoned.asm
\Original Stoned Virus\Stoned Binary Listing.lst
\Live CD\Live CD.txt
\Live CD\Stoned LAE.iso.lnk
\Live CD\Create with 7 AIK.cmd
\Live CD\Create with Vista AIK.cmd
Please verify any executable for genuineness before executing. If you download the package other than from it is not genuine. If so, please inform If you think some files
are missing or you wish some contents to be added, please write to
3. Changelog
25.07.2009 00:40 Version 1.0 Initial release
14.08.2009 01:37 Version 1.0a Added Hacking at Random Paper and Presentation
Added document "TrueCrypt Encryption and RawFS"
Removed selling notice - so many people, so many complaints, I lost my (previous) job because of that notice!
Added the MBR of TrueCrypt so you can watch it with an hex editor
Added Original Stoned Virus directory with code and listing of the original stoned virus
Document "Automatic Sinowal Extraction" now available in public package (don't use the TOC lol)
Removed the Submissions directory
Added Live CD directory containing the new Live CD and information about it
Added Changelog.txt in Executables directory
13.10.2009 08:16 Version 1.0b Added makefiles for creating the Live CD (with the Vista and 7 AIK)
Added description how to create a bootable USB Flash Drive infector
Added Remote Surveillance Tool documentation and testing kit
Added Exe-Loader open source
14.03.2010 11:19 1.0c New release with updated files. Removed executables, updated Live CD.txt and added modification files
Current Version: Stoned Bootkit 2 Alpha 4
4. Contact
King Kleissner :-)
Insecurity Systems InSec e.U.
Michael Eisendle
Stoned Mailing List
© 2010 Peter Kleissner
All rights reserved.
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