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[Fun] Today you are HH administrator

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#1 Ravage



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Posted 04 November 2013 - 03:06 AM


You have 24 hours to administrate HackHound.
Time starts ... now!!!!!!!!!!
What's your first post/topic?
What would you say?
What would you do?
What would you change?

What skin would you choose as default?

Which member would you warn cause he's been really getting on your nerves this last couple of days?

Which member would you ban?

What topic would you lock for good?

Tell us a bit about your idea about administrating HackHound for a 24 H period.
Share your craziness with us. I am sure there's a place for your thoughts in this topic.

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#2 BullDog


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Posted 04 November 2013 - 06:55 AM

Interesting idea. Let's see if I can get the ball rolling on this one.
By the way, don't take my answers too seriously lol.

What's your first post/topic?

A topic where I introduce myself as the new admin.

What would you say?

Probably some long emotional post like
blablabla new era!... blabla x58 and Ravage can suck it, I'm the boss now blabla...

What would you change?

Hmmm... off the top of my head I can only think of some minor changes right now.

1.) Update the dead link to the contact form in the navigation bar.
2.) Probably get rid of the "Blogs" module, because it's barely being used.
3.) Allow private messaging for everyone again. I (as a member) would rather receive a spam pm once in a while than having to request access first.
4.) Get rid of the "Flea Market" and only keep the "Verified Market".
5.) Get rid of the following subsections:
- Programming > iOS
- (In)Security > Hashes
6.) Use the "Portal"-site more (post more articles). Probably even make a group that takes care of that.
7.) Make regular contests (e.g. a programming contest all 3 months).

What skin would you choose as default?

"DarkEnergy", because I'm used to it and I think it suits HackHound the best. Apart from that I would keep "IP.Board mobile" to properly support smartphones/tablets.

Which member would you warn cause he's been really getting on your nerves this last couple of days?

I'm not saying that in public :P. But generally speaking, members that behave immaturely and break the (minor) rules.

Which member would you ban?

Members that break the rules frequently or only come here to advertise/post spam etc (break major rules).

What topic would you lock for good?

- Topics that result(ed) in long/endless discussions.
- Topics that don't need discussions (e.g. an announcement).

#3 fool'sfool


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Posted 04 November 2013 - 08:41 AM

Interesting... at first I was at a loss, but maybe there's some fun stuff I can think of...


What's your first post/topic?


Hard to get fancy with this, so I dunno.... maybe just a laconic style topic/post.


What would you say?


"<-- Discuss."


What would you do?


Honestly? At first, I'd explore around the various admin interfaces, learn what I could. Also, I'd do admin stuff, moderate, maintain, etc. If I was also administrator for the whole website & server I'd be right into that since I've not managed that before. Keeping that in mind, I would definitely not be touching anything until I was on top of how it works... if at all. Since this is 24 hrs, I'd probably say that's just a look but don't touch scenario.


Then I'd make avatars slightly bigger, cause I spent ages making mine and you can't see it properly. :P

What would you change?


Hmm... I think it'd be nice to have something for the associates. As I see it that's a little thing that says "these people are contributing members, valuable to have around." The scanner I guess is already like this, but maybe something like a group projects idea where they can collaborate (probably hard to get going or maintain) or simply a forum they get access to where questions and requests can be made, and since they're self demonstrated to be worthwhile members, that'll get bigger explanations, more attention, links to resources and a better answer, since they're guaranteed to be that much more worth making extra time for: they're proven members I guess.


What skin would you choose as default?


Okay, I just explored them. I'd keep it at DarkEnergy. DarkMatter is kind of cool, but that much dark red looks wierd. Plus the angled bars all over annoy me.


Which member would you warn cause he's been really getting on your nerves this last couple of days?


PongLenis. Sorry bud, but I will say I already told him off and he took it like a champ and was decent thereafter.

Which member would you ban?


All accounts like this:

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Okay, here's a link in with my "stuff for associates etc" idea:


I'd also dump a bunch of data from these accounts, for fun, research and profit and turn it into a little project for us all. Number 1, I'd pull out all the login, visiting time data, all of that, build up a nice little csv file detailing their login and viewing history, enough to gauge when and how often they looked at the board and maybe what they looked at (probably too huge). I'd separate out the IP's, but keep it recoverable if needed, same with email addresses, and possibly login names (I'd use unique ID's for reference), because guess what, I'm also dumping the password hashes for all those unused idle accounts (especially the ones that visit regularly but never post, shiiit). Password hashes are a restricted project for a subset of the membership (let's all fine tune our JTR rules, fuck 'em, the accounts are gone, never used and emails/logins are separated - no used accounts are to be dumped, 1 post = not in list). 


The forum visitation data is for a more general project, maybe associates or even just everyone. We can all grab that csv file and analyse the shit out of it to see just what these guys are doing, how frequently, how much activity, is it regular, is it sporadic... what? Identify the clusters, different types, and then... well if it gets really interesting, we consider connecting it back to the ip's and see who's watching. Plus we'll learn some very legitimately interesting stuff about how people use forums, catagorisation of forums. Hell, I'd submit this kind of thing to a journal, who wants to be a published author on an academic paper? Resume's anyone? "In depth analysis of the behaviour and timing of active but idle agents on a security forum." Bam. :P


What topic would you lock for good?



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You already locked my original choice, the guy asking how he can hack his schools server. I liked my advice to him though, I have my small petty fun with those guys before you condemn them to the bin. :P


That was fun! :)


EDIT: Another idea: do this but for HH (check the access_log for amusing shit):

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  • BullDog and x58 like this

Vincent: Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face.

Jules: Why the fuck did you do that!

Vincent: Well, I didn't mean to do it, it was an accident!

#4 Hess



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Posted 04 November 2013 - 10:20 AM

Funky , but good one. :) 24 hours is a bit short for administration (all people who were or are admins know that) , but let's start with Q&A. :)




What's your first post/topic?


A: Introduce myself as a new admin , thank existing staff members for giving me trust , etc.... And , also will say , as various people sometimes get envy and such that I was not preaching for that , and who likes it , likes , who doesn't he doesn't has to , but insults or any kind of personal attack will not be tolerated.



What would you say?


A: I think I said it above , so , I don't know what else should or I will say , honestly. :)



What would you do?


A: Take a look at existing things , and look how they can be improved or fixed. Not necessarily I'd have to to something in that short time.



What would you change?


A: Add interesting stuff to Portal aka Front page of board. ATM , I have no really too much ideas , since , as I stated , 24 hours is too short.



What skin would you choose as default?


A: Keep the current skin as this one looks good , and has been always on HH , since it's beginning.



Which member would you warn cause he's been really getting on your nerves this last couple of days?


A: There are several them , so , one is not enough , because , I am getting too much requests for literary things that I have no and probably wont do for them , as they are usually leeching requests , like crack this for me , do this for me , etc....



Which member would you ban?


A: All members that are literary doing nothing here , just watch , request stupid things and do not log in for at least 10 days , reason for that is , because , some of them just come to grab something , and get loose and similar stuff.....



What topic would you lock for good?


A: Any hacking request topic and any topic that gets off topic or gets too much discussed without anything that leads to solution and some other things that are not on my mind right now.


Under "etc..." will be: A lot and nothing , as , I an ordinary member can't see what is happening there "behind scenes" , and that is why such contradictory answer. :) I think I answered enough for now , if not , I'll return with some extra things. :)

#5 Pernat1y



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Posted 04 November 2013 - 10:37 AM

What would you do?

Check and configure backups. It seems like a common problem.

*looks at trojanforge and opensc*

#6 BullDog


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Posted 04 November 2013 - 12:51 PM

Check and configure backups. It seems like a common problem.

*looks at trojanforge and opensc*


Just to clarify: HackHound admins do that already (I think on a daily basis, maybe weekly though - I don't remember).

But this seems to be a problem indeed, generally speaking.

#7 fool'sfool


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Posted 04 November 2013 - 01:30 PM

Yeah I had it from x58 the other day, backups are regular, the regular non-24 hour admins here are cluey guys. :P


Backups regularly, pulled (not pushed) by an offsite server. That's the smart way. More than one fella has been double pwned by having a backup system that has the webserver use pubkeys to connect back to a backup server, rather than a backup server connecting to the webserver.

  • Hess likes this

Vincent: Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face.

Jules: Why the fuck did you do that!

Vincent: Well, I didn't mean to do it, it was an accident!

#8 Hess



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Posted 04 November 2013 - 05:00 PM

Yeah I had it from x58 the other day, backups are regular, the regular non-24 hour admins here are cluey guys. :P


Backups regularly, pulled (not pushed) by an offsite server. That's the smart way. More than one fella has been double pwned by having a backup system that has the webserver use pubkeys to connect back to a backup server, rather than a backup server connecting to the webserver.

But , if backdoor is in , then , it will remain there , I know it , since in real , business network , I ran on such thing , and removing it from backup server , was really painful , like when it was put , which backups have it and similar.... :) Even students server and business server were separated and also their backup servers , it managed to get into business one , since , it is as it is IT University full of 1337 students , one of backup operators didn't followed exact procedure , so I got involved to find it and disable it. :S

#9 Ravage



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Posted 05 November 2013 - 03:11 AM

Time is up boys.
Kind of sad no one decided to get a bit crazy about it. No revolution then?! LoL
Wasn't really interested on getting extra ideas but to know a bit more about you guys and what's going on inside that head of yours. LoL
Nice down to earth fellas we got here exception made to fool'sfool that is a bit nuts but that is something we are already getting used to it.
Thanks guys for participating.
Nice exercise.
We are taking over now before sections start to disapear from this board and our members count get reduced to 100! ;)
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#10 fool'sfool


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 08:48 AM

Ah okay... I had a think about whether this was a profiling exercise, brainstorming, for fun or for finding a new admin candidate. I figured I'd come up with something creative, left of field. I feel so judged. :P


I mean... did you want job applications and CV's or some crazy shit? Crazy shit right?

  • Ravage and Hess like this

Vincent: Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face.

Jules: Why the fuck did you do that!

Vincent: Well, I didn't mean to do it, it was an accident!

#11 Ravage



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Posted 05 November 2013 - 10:18 AM

Yeah it was supposed to be fun. We leave CV's and all that crap for the "real world" outside.
You did good.
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#12 fool'sfool


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 10:47 AM

Sweet... cheers man. It was a fun little exercise.

  • Hess likes this

Vincent: Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face.

Jules: Why the fuck did you do that!

Vincent: Well, I didn't mean to do it, it was an accident!

#13 Hess



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Posted 05 November 2013 - 10:57 AM

Too bad , I am sometimes so much realistic , that I don't know for word "fun" when it comes to work , and that kind of work is related to me. :S :)

#14 x58



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Posted 05 November 2013 - 06:32 PM

one fella has been double pwned by having a backup system that has the webserver use pubkeys to connect back to a backup server, rather than a backup server connecting to the webserver.

I either suggest not using a webserver for it, because it is shit(security wise) and slow. You can use the the webmin or simulair panel on your server for it or like i use cron job + syncback but for backups i would suggest scp.. Instead of syncback (external server).

Off topic,

I've moved content from Subforums that Bulldog indicated. And deleted those subforums e.g iOS and Hashes, those where dead anyway. What next?  :P

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#15 PongLenis



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Posted 05 November 2013 - 06:52 PM

What I would really like to have is a general talking section. I just like talking with nice people about everyday's life and stuff. No IT and PC stuff. Ofc this is an IT forum, but it never hurts to get along with the other guys in tha forumz and know a little bit about them and their personality :)

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#16 x58



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Posted 07 November 2013 - 12:52 AM

What I would really like to have is a general talking section. I just like talking with nice people about everyday's life and stuff. No IT and PC stuff. Ofc this is an IT forum, but it never hurts to get along with the other guys in tha forumz and know a little bit about them and their personality :)


Actually not a bad idea at all. More like a 'Hound Lounge' or some similar naming for this lounge with as discription "Want to relax and have a laugh? This is the right place."

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#17 BullDog


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Posted 07 November 2013 - 01:34 AM

What I would really like to have is a general talking section. I just like talking with nice people about everyday's life and stuff. No IT and PC stuff. Ofc this is an IT forum, but it never hurts to get along with the other guys in tha forumz and know a little bit about them and their personality :)


Actually not a bad idea at all. More like a 'Hound Lounge' or some similar naming for this lounge with as discription "Want to relax and have a laugh? This is the right place."


What about the subsection

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that already exists? According to its description ("Talk about anything here.") that's pretty much exactly what you're looking for.

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#18 Hess



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Posted 07 November 2013 - 01:54 AM

It's been off topic a bit , but my answers are always CV alike ! :S :D And , I had several attempts to make something funny and where people should post crazy stuff which can be from here , or another board or website. :)

#19 hero420



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Posted 07 November 2013 - 02:32 AM

Check and configure backups. It seems like a common problem.

*looks at trojanforge and opensc*

oh you are still alive

you made up some money yourself selling zeus and its setup lol what a time that was.

#20 hero420



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Posted 07 November 2013 - 02:35 AM

Actually not a bad idea at all. More like a 'Hound Lounge' or some similar naming for this lounge with as discription "Want to relax and have a laugh? This is the right place."


I guess that all goes in offtopic. Plus fun and offtopic should be seperate maybe..!
Oh and i don't see any public tutorial/guides section anywhere.

That is the main reason sometimes to attract quality users.