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File #5

; the assembler/composer:
; basic opcode structure:
;   unused
;  _|  direction
;    | |  |
;    0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0
;  |___|  |_  |__
;  |  |  |
;  operation  |  |
;  accumulator |
;    wide
; this applies to all opcodes < 0100 (if opcode & 7 < 6)
; operation:
;  specifies a logical operation from 0-7 (see constants section)
; accumulator:
;  dest is accumulator, src is immediate after opcode, no modrm byte
; direction:
;  if not set, src may be r/m, otherwise dest is r/m
; wide:
;  if set, then operation is wide (r/m32), otherwise operation is 8 bit
;    FuCkYoTraSh
; executable junk code generator
;    by kuupa
format MS COFF
include 'win32a.inc'
public gen_junk as '_gen_junk@8'
;== Constants =========================================================
OP_ADD  = 0
OP_OR   = 1
OP_ADC  = 2
OP_SBB  = 3
OP_AND  = 4
OP_SUB  = 5
OP_XOR  = 6
OP_CMP  = 7
OP_MOV  = $b0
F_WIDE  = $01
F_DIR   = $02
F_ACCUM = $04
;== Code ===============================
section '.text' code readable executable
; int gen_junk(__out_deref void* lpOut, size_t cbOut);
  push ebx esi edi ebp
  mov edi, [esp+4*4+4*1]    ; lpOut
  mov ebp, [esp+4*4+4*2]    ; cbOut
  mov esi, ebp
  call gen_logical
  sub ebp, ecx
  cmp ebp, $5
  jb .done
  test eax, $4
  jz .gen_instr
  call gen_mov
  sub ebp, ecx
  cmp ebp, $5
  jb .done
  jmp .gen_instr
  sub esi, ebp
  mov eax, esi    ; num bytes generated
    .done:    ; always (cbOut - n(<5))
  pop ebp edi esi ebx
  ret 4*2
; generates a mov r8/32, imm8/32
; in: edi - buffer to output to
; out: ecx - size of opcode
  push eax edx
  stdcall rand,eax
  pop edx
  test edx, edx  ; flag for 8 or 32
  mov al, OP_MOV
  mov ecx, 2  ; sizeof.mov r8, imm8
  js .mov_8
  or al, $08
  mov ecx, 5  ; sizeof.mov r32, imm32
  mov ah, dl
  and ah, $07  ; get register code
  add al, ah
  stdcall rand,eax
  pop eax
  test edx, edx
  js .mov_8_imm
  jmp .done
  pop edx eax
; generates a logical math operation
; in: edi - buffer to output to
; out: ecx - size of opcode
  push eax ebx edx
  xor eax, eax
  stdcall rand,eax
  pop edx
  and edx, $ffff0707
  mov al, dl  ; operation octet
  shl al, 3
  or al, dh  ; settings octet
  mov ah, al
  and ah, $07
  cmp ah, 5  ; if opcode > 5, then it's a push/pop segreg
  ja .invalid_op  ; or other non-logical instruction
  stosb  ; we've constructed the opcode
  test al, F_ACCUM
  jnz .accum_regimm
  stdcall rand,eax
  pop edx  ; generate new magic for regs
  and edx, $07070707
  shl eax, 8  ; ah contains opcode
  mov al, dl  ; set modrm.reg field
  shl al, 3  ; shift into place
  ror edx, 16  ; get next field
  or al, dl  ; set modrm.rm field
  or al, $c0  ; 0x3 modrm.mod == reg-reg
  stosb  ; output modrm byte
  mov ecx, 2
  jmp .done
  stdcall rand,eax
  pop edx  ; generate a new imm
  test al, F_WIDE
  jnz .accum_imm32
  mov al, dl
  mov ecx, 2
  jmp .done
  mov eax, edx
  mov ecx, 5
  jmp .done
  pop edx ebx eax
; creds to Knuth, Art of Computer Programming
rand: ; uint32_t __911call rand(void* dummy)
  push eax edx
  ; wat
  not eax
  xor [rand_seed], eax
  ; wat
  mov eax, [rand_seed]
  mov edx, $0019660D
  mul edx
  add eax, $3C6EF35F
  mov dword [rand_seed], eax
  mov [esp+4*2+4*1], eax
  pop edx eax
section '.data' data readable writeable
  rand_seed dd $ffffffff

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